Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

Planning for Effective Classroom Management in Elementary School

Characteristic of elementary school
  •    Concrete thinking
  • Short attention spans, tire easily
  • Vulnerable to criticism and harsh treatment

Rules and procedure in Elementary Classroom
  • We raise our hands before speaking
  • We leave our seats only when given permission by the teacher
  • We stand politely in line at all times
  • We keep our hands to ourselves
  • We listen when someone else is talking
Arranging the Physical Environment in Elementary Classrooms
·         Be sure that all students can see the writing board, overhead projector or other displays. If student have to move or crane their necks to see, disruption are more likely
·         Design your room so you can see all your students.
·         Make sure that students can easily access commonly used materials without disrupting their classmate
·         Keep high-traffic areas free from obstruction and provide ample space for student movement

Planning for Effective Classroom Management in Middle and Secondary Schools

Characteristic of Middle and Secondary Students
·         The influence of peers increase
·         Needs for belonging and social acceptance increase
·         Search for a sense of identity begins
·         Desire for autonomy and independency increase

Rules and procedure in Middle and secondary classroom

The following are sample rules from one seventh-grade class.
·         Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings
·         Follow direction the first time they’re given
·         Bring covered textbooks, notebook, pen, pencil, and planner to class everyday
·         Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat
·         Keep hands, feet, and object to yourself
·         Leave class only when dismissed by the teacher

The following are sample rules from a tenth-grade class.
·         Do all grooming outside of class
·         Be in you seat before the bell rings
·         Stay in your seat at all the time
·         Bring all materials daily. This include your book, notebook, pen/pencil and paper
·         Give your full attention to others in discussion and wait your turn to speak
·         Leave when I dismiss you, not when the bell rings

Arranging the physical environment in middle and secondary classroom

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