Planning for Effective Classroom Management in Elementary
Characteristic of elementary school
- Concrete thinking
- Short attention spans, tire easily
- Vulnerable to criticism and harsh treatment
Rules and procedure in Elementary Classroom
- We raise our hands before speaking
- We leave our seats only when given permission by the teacher
- We stand politely in line at all times
- We keep our hands to ourselves
- We listen when someone else is talking
Arranging the Physical Environment in Elementary Classrooms
Be sure that all students can see the writing
board, overhead projector or other displays. If student have to move or crane
their necks to see, disruption are more likely
Design your room so you can see all your
Make sure that students can easily access
commonly used materials without disrupting their classmate
Keep high-traffic areas free from obstruction
and provide ample space for student movement
Planning for Effective Classroom Management in Middle and
Secondary Schools
Characteristic of Middle and Secondary Students
The influence of peers increase
Needs for belonging and social acceptance
Search for a sense of identity begins
Desire for autonomy and independency increase
Rules and procedure in Middle and secondary classroom
The following are sample rules from one seventh-grade class.
Be in your seat and quiet when the bell rings
Follow direction the first time they’re given
Bring covered textbooks, notebook, pen, pencil,
and planner to class everyday
Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave
your seat
Keep hands, feet, and object to yourself
Leave class only when dismissed by the teacher
The following are sample rules from a tenth-grade class.
Do all grooming outside of class
Be in you seat before the bell rings
Stay in your seat at all the time
Bring all materials daily. This include your
book, notebook, pen/pencil and paper
Give your full attention to others in discussion
and wait your turn to speak
Leave when I dismiss you, not when the bell
Arranging the physical environment in middle and secondary